
Truth: Although they look like the perfect dueling weapons and ice hole punchers, the narwhal’s tusk is more sensitive than researchers once thought and used more as an instrument than a weapon.


NarwHals- also known as the Unicorns of the sea- have this incredible tusk that, in some males, can reach 9ft long.

Believe it or not, This tusk isn’t a horn-like on a rhino, but actually the animal’s extra-long left canine tooth that has burst through its top lip and protrudes from its head like a horn.

And I thought Wisdom teeth were painful.

Now scientists have been arguing for years about what the main function of this tusk could possibly be.

Although the census is still out, scientists have theorized that this appendage is not only used for obvious reasons like a courtship- which involves more rubbing of tusks than actually striking- and stunning fish while hunting; but also in ways we would never expect, like as a sensor.

Researchers believe narwals use their tusk more like a sensory device, instead of a weapon or ice puncher-2.png

Unlike our teeth, that have a hard outside exterior protecting the soft pulp where blood and nerves reside, the narwal’s tooth is the exact opposite. The soft, sensitive part is on the outside exposing all the nerves to its outside environment. 

Researchers believe it can provide information like water pressure, temperature, salinity, etc. And it would also explain why Narwhals haven’t been seen doing epic tusk cracking duels or punching holes in thick ice sheets. 

Could you imagine crunching on ice after a filling fell out?  The thought makes me want to throw up. GAH!!

You find more weird and fun facts about whales in the video below.


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