Conservation Crew- Tennessee Aquarium & Design Sensory

conservation crew
Conservation Crew

Introducing Conservation Crew – a children’s TV show designed to instill a love for and desire to protect the natural world in younger viewers! The show stars a team of young conservationists charged with studying and protecting wildlife from their secret headquarters under the Aquarium’s glass peaks.

In a fitting tie-in to Tennessee Aquarium’s Year of the Turtle celebration, the pilot episode follows the crew as they investigate why turtles are in decline all over the world and how they (and you) can help protect these ancient reptiles.

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Conservation Crew is pilot episode of a TV show created in partnership with Designsensory and its in-house production studio, PopFizz, to instill a love for and desire to protect the natural world in younger viewers.

Mallory played the role of ‘President of Conservation’ that provided the mission information for the episode’s mission

Watch Conservation Crew HERE