Garden Slender Salamanders

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Here are some fun facts about San Diego’s garden slender salamander:

  • Garden Slender Salamanders are some of the smallest vertebrates living in highly urban environments- like San Diego. They look like worms with small legs and big eyes.

  • These lungless salamanders breathe through their skin, which must stay slightly damp at all times to function properly. As a result, they are only active above ground during the rainy season. However, they can still be found in damp places around your yard- like garden sheds and underneath potted plants. (hence the name)

  • Slender salamanders love damp (but not saturated) soil in shady locations along hillsides, and they especially like hanging out in the loose soil under oak trees. Look carefully under small objects like rocks, logs, pieces of wood, or really anything lying on the ground.

Common Questions

What happens if I touch one?

For starters, don't touch—unless you are moving them out of harm's way. Salamanders have absorbent skin and the oils, salts and lotions on our hands can do serious damage. If you are helping them cross a road, move them in the direction they are headed and try to wet your hands first.

Are they poisonous?

Salamanders secrete toxins as a defense mechanism. Although not dangerous to humans, it is still a good idea to wash your hands if there is a need to transport a salamander. It can be potentially harmful to small children and pets, if ingested.

How can I help scientists?

Become a citizen scientist. Going on backyard adventures and posting pictures of your findings on citizen science platforms like iNaturalist and Project Noah allows scientists to learn more about where these animals live. They can't go searching through everyone's backyards, so this allows them to collect important wildlife data from places they typically wouldn't be able to look.

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