Opossums: More Friend than Foe

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After coyotes, opossums are usually next in line when it comes to 'scary' backyard neighbors in San Diego. However, just like the coyote, the opossum should be considered more friend than foe. Here’s

What are opossums and why are they good to have around

  • Although they look like a giant rat, they are closer related to kangaroos than any rodent. They are marsupials.

  • They love to eat things that nothing else wants to, like ticks (like 5,000 a season), cockroaches, fire ants, and dead animals (carion). They also eat lots of other things like baby rodents and rotten fruit.

  • Not only are they resistant to snake venom, they actually eat venomous snakes.

Opossum vs Possum? Which is correct?

The technical term is opossum for the animals we are talking about in the States,, but 'possum' is accepted. Possums are technically the names for the tree-dwelling marsupials (mammals with a pouch) species native to Australia, New Guinea, and Sulawesi.

Can they give me/my pet rabies?

  • Although any mammal can get rabies, it's VERY rare for opossums. It's believed their lower than normal body temperature may inhibit the virus from thriving in its system.